Cloud Computing
he shift from desktop- and server-based
to traditional, on-premises solutions. In a law firm
software to software as a service (SaaS)
context, the use of cloud computing raises ethics
or “cloud computing” is one of the most
issues around storing confidential client data on a
significant transitions in computing to
system the attorney may not own or otherwise control.
occur in the last 20 years. While the
The discourse on the ethics of cloud computing
benefits offered by cloud computing are numerous,
took a significant step forward in March 2010 with the
several outstanding questions remain regarding the
issuance of a proposed Formal Ethics Opinion (FEO)
relative security of cloud-based systems as compared
on cloud computing by the North Carolina State Bar.
Infrastructure Technologies
ILTA White Paper
This was the first FEO in North America to explicitly
for firms of all sizes. Cloud-based services
deal with the use of SaaS/cloud computing in a law
typically eliminate large up-front licensing
firm. While the proposed FEO ultimately endorses
and server costs, offer drastically reduced
the use of cloud computing technology in a law firm
consulting and installation fees, and do away
provided that “reasonable care is taken effectively to
with the “upgrade treadmill ” usually associated
minimize the risks to the confidentiality and to the
with traditional desktop- and server-based
security of client information and client files,” the onus
software. Cloud-based services also offer
of evaluating a cloud provider’s security infrastructure
“anywhere accessibility,” a h igh level of ease-
is placed on the law firm.
of-use, and compatibility with both Windows and Mac OS X.
Cloud CompuTIng
Cloud computing is computing delivered as a service
EThICS of Cloud CompuTIng
over the Internet, with less need for