arteries and veins. “Heart failure is a condition in which there is weakening of heart muscle function so that fluid or congestion backs up and causes swelling or edema in the liver, lungs, the lining of the intestine, and the lower legs and feet (Chandra 3821).” In the human body, more than half of the milligrams of CoQ10 are found in the skeletal and heart muscles. “Although some CoQ10 (approximately 25% of requirement) is obtained from the normal diet, most is manufactured within the body, particularly by the liver (Mantle 602).” After about twenty five years of age, the coenzyme Q10 levels in the body start to decrease. Considering, the vitamin-like substance is part of the tissue’s that require significant amounts of energy, such as the heart. This can be life threatening to some people. “Early studies on cardiovascular disease were hampered by a shortage of supply of CoQ10, poor absorption of CoQ10 in its original crystalline form, and insufficient daily dosage (30–60 mg) (Mantle 526).” There are many different but similar types of heart diseases common in the world.
For example, atherosclerosis is when fatty plaques build up on the inner wall of the arteries. The coenzyme Q10 has the ability to restrain any oxidation of cholesterol specifically Low-Density Lipoproteins (Mantle 604). “The role of CoQ10 in protecting LDL cholesterol from free radical-induced oxidative damage (Mantle 604).” Then, resulting in hard, thick deposits of cholesterol that have the capability to clog narrow passage ways. When the heart tissue receives the correct, daily dosage of Coenzyme Q10, it will lowers a persons risk for heart failure. The normal amount the body can produce is any where from 1,500 mg to 2,000 mg (Mantle
602). Once one’s coenzyme Q10 levels decline, that person is then susceptible to cardiovascular disease and immune disorder disease. To be diagnosed with low levels of coenzyme Q10, one might experience serious physical fatigue. Also, due to CoQ10 producing energy, adenosine triphosphate(ATP), when it is not available to be made the body it will encounter frequent headaches and pain. There are many asymptomatic and physical symptoms the body will suffer from but that is only the beginning to something much worse.