Chapter 1 4 Introduction 5 Background of the problem 5 Research Question 6 Objective of the research 6
Chapter 2: Literature review 7 Secondary data study 7 Behavioral Intention 7 Brand Loyalty 10 Product Feature 11 Advertisement 12 Social Trend 14 Conceptual Framework 15 Research Hypotheses 16
Chapter 3: Methodology 17 Type of research 17 Research Design 17 Exploratory Studies 17 Descriptive Research 18 Problem Discovery and Definition 18 Planning Research Design 18 Sampling Plan 18 Data Collection 18 Data Processing and Analysis 18 Conclusion and Report 18 Population, Sample & Sampling 18 Research Tool (Questionnaire) Development 19 Data Collection Method 22 Type of Exploratory Research 22 Secondary Data 22 Descriptive Research 22
Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Results 25 Sample Profile 25 Descriptive Statistics 26 Frequency Table 26 Frequency Table 27 Rank Calculation 28 Contingency Table 29 Frequency Table 29 Multiple Responses Table 30 Mean Calculation 31 Mean Calculation 31 Hypothesis Testing 32 Main Hypothesis Testing 32 Alternative Hypothesis 36
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation 46 Discussion of Research Results 46 Recommendations 47
Appendix 48
Bibliography 56
Table of Figures and Tables
Figure 1: Favorite Drink 26
Figure 2: Favorite Soft Drink Brand 27
Table 1: Sample Profile 25
Table 2: Favorite Drink 26
Table 3: Favorite Soft Drink Brand 27
Table 4: Importance of Criteria 28
Table 5: Calories Concern * Gender Crosstabulation 29
Table 6: Coke Zero Recognition 29
Table 7: Media 30
Table 8: Times Drinking Coke Zero within last week 31
Table 9: Mean and Standard Deviation from each Construct 31
Table 10: Hypothesis 1-1 32
Table 11: Hypothesis 1-2 32
Table 12: Hypothesis 1-3 33
Table 13: Hypothesis 2-1 34
Table 14: Hypothesis 2-2
Bibliography: ----------------------- Behavioral Intention Purchase Intention Word of Mouth Social Trend • Advertising Product Feature Brand Loyalty