Ever since I was a little kid I loved basketball and throughout my life my passion for basketball has increased enormously. I have wanted to be able to play basketball in college ever since I was a freshman in highschool. I have acquired quite a bit of knowledge just from being around the game for so long, I have also learned a lot about the requirements for being able to play basketball in college. Like in this source by NBC Camps: Best Basketball Advice if You Want to Play college Basketball, “Find a mentor, someone who has the objectivity and wisdom to help you navigate your future, someone who is not a family member.” (1). Also by NBC Camps, “Be realistic about your skill and ability level. Most parents believe their child …show more content…
Student life can be stressful enough, but according to Athletic Insight’s study, student athletes reported higher than usual stress in several variables, including: having lots of responsibilities, not getting enough time for sleep, and having demanding extracurricular activities. However, athletes do enjoy lower stress in some variables, like social isolation and satisfaction with their physical appearance. …show more content…
An article was wrote by The Chronicle of Higher Education: "NCAA Considers Easing Demands On Athletes' Time." saying that, “LEADERS of the five most powerful athletics conferences, responding to players' concerns that they spend too much time on their sports, are weighing ideas to limit the hours athletes are required to devote to their teams. “ (1) “One idea calls for a ban on practices and other mandatory athletics activities, not including competition, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Another proposal would create a three-week break at the end of the traditional playing season, allowing athletes to take time off.” (2) Kids are starting to come into the sports at a younger age and there are being put into AAU teams and they are playing all year around, so they get no rest. They are getting looked at by college coaches as early as ninth grade, and being watched all through high school. In some quotes by “College Basketball Scholarships and Recruiting” it talks more about it, “College basketball players currently on scholarship got started in the process very early. Basketball players begin the recruiting process by the time they are in the 9th grade, and are continually checking-in with coaches throughout high school so that coaches can watch their development.” (1) “At the highest levels, scouts begin watching players in middle school. All