Eight College football stadiums hold more than 100,000 fans(collegeexpress.com). The smallest stadium in division one college football has 16,000 seats, which are still sold out every home game(collegexpress.com). Successful teams can bring a median ticket price of well over $100(ticketcity.com). Doing some math, large programs can make over 10 million dollars per home game while smaller schools still make at least 1.6 million dollars. College basketball can also make huge fortunes in games. The Rupp Arena can hold 23,000 fans, in 2012 the average cost of a basketball ticket for NCAA division one basketball game was 70 dollars. Again doing some math that would add up to about 1.6 million dollars per home game in tickets. Baseball being a far third in popularity could also afford to pay athletes. The average ticket price for a college baseball game is about 20 dollars(ticketcity.com). Haymarket park in Lincoln, Nebraska has a capacity of 8,500 seats. Teams play between 60 and 65 games, if half of them are home games, which is about average, that’s 30 home games. All of that added up equals about 5.1 million dollars of income per …show more content…
From 2006 to 2012, 51 player left college basketball after only playing one year in college (collegesportsscholarships.com). That’s a little less than nine players per year. This may be a relative few, but the nine that leave are usually some of the best players in the NCAA. A small financial incentive may be able to keep these kids in college longer and improve the quality of the game. In football, this year had the most players leave early of any other year(cbs.com). This year wasn’t extraneous though, 2014 had the second most players leave early. The trend of players leaving early is alarming and paying these players would encourage players to stay in college and improve their odds of going pro. And about 40% of the underclassmen that enter the NFL draft go undrafted(cbs.com). We need to give some incentive to keep students in school and this is it. College players should be given some financial compensation for their efforts. Colleges and other companies make millions off of players likenesses while players aren’t compensated. Colleges make millions off of ticket sales and players get minimal compensation in the form of college tuition. Some financial pay would keep great players in college for longer and make all sports better. Ed O’Bannon may have only been a stepping stone to greater freedoms for