very interesting: white students who were told the golf task measured natural athletic ability golfed a lot worse than the white student who were told nothing about the task” (8). Evidently, Steele’s Research and Princeton University’s experiment demonstrate that the feeling of weight and anxiety the white students have to carry affects the student's performance. As student are concern about their identity, it became a threat in the air and everything with the same concern affect students’ ability to perform their best. It’s not because they are inferior to other student or groups of student. In fact, it because they lose confidence because of stereotypes and are more worry and nervous about the issue . Based on the research conducted by Princton Unviersity and the data and information that is being presented, the null hypothesis; H0 says there is statistical significance between the variables. A student identities and stereotype can impact the students performances. The alternative hypothesis; H1 say that indeed there is not a statistically significant relationship between the variables. Student identities and stereotype are not related to the student performance. CCSE research article “ A Matter of Degree” is focus on the promising practice for community college student success.
The study that is being analyzed in the articles is a wide range of study data to help student to success such as characteristic of community college students, advising.tutoring, orientation and etc. The students who participate in the survey were asked to answer question regarding if attend orientation, practice before taking placement test ,attended tutor, work, part time or full time student and anything that involving academic success. This study is prospective study because it was a study conduct to improve success rate in the future. From both the reading and article I notice that there a cause and effect or something like regression analysis. Because it seem to me that the data give off a probability of what the cause and effect of the category that they are surveying or conducting the …show more content…
experiment. If students think their identity is connected to the idea that asking for help indicates a sign of weakness, that too might lead to a lack of academic success.
According to CCSSE, “even though 73% of CCSSE respondents (N=403,333) indicate that tutoring is somewhat or very important, but only about one-quarter of students (N=130,147) reported ever participating in tutoring” (23). Base on the statistic shown I wanted to state that the students is less likely to success if the students think they are inferior. These data were gathered in 2013 to help community college increase graduation rate. Interpreting the data article I come to the conclusion that it is a type II error because it more bias toward the null hypothesis rejecting the alternative
hypothesis. Overall, if we were to look at it from a statistic view from both the book and the article there a probability that student’s self identity can impact his or her social identity and performance. CCSE and Steele book are both similar in some way yet there is a difference. Honestly I enjoy looking at the pie chart from the CCSE article more than reading because it easier to interpret the information. The book contain a lot more commentary and narrative. But the message is well delivered. On the other hand the article by CCSE contain facts and statistical data being conducted by community college. The target audiences for Steele claude book is to society, everyone in general. While the CSSE article target is more for community college in the studies of improving student success. The main focus of steele reading is help people have a better idea about stereotype and what we can do to change it. While the article examine the main key to success are planning for success, initiating success, and maintain success.
The reliability of the Article is more powerful than the than Steele research, because of all the information it contain and the fact that research were collected from over 300 community college.