College the Easy Way
Middle class cannot avoid afford send their kids to colleges or universities now a days due to higher cost of the higher learning institution, the question is that those parent that can afford sent their kids to colleges and universities , are these kids really able to improved or advance in technology and thinks critically. This article discuss about how less students commitment to study and spending more time on social activities, also students chose easy major courses all because they do not want to put more effort on academic. In addition they very concern about their GP rather than skill and technology that will benefit them and communities in general. According to the statist student spend 32% on study and still have average grade point of 3.16 but the lacked the technical skill. With the lack of effective communication and critical thinking college graduate will be of no benefit for themselves and entire communities because they will be ineffective or redundant in problem solving. Those above mention problems with education will make the great country fall apart since they cannot produce good new generation who can stand on their own both technically proficiency , mentally and academically.
A provocative new book “Academically drift: Limited learning on college Campuses” with regard to this quote that majority of students graduate with their first degreed cannot thinking critically let alone solving complex problem. Regardless of what your major student must under at least one class that require critical thinking and problem solving, more so critical thinking is a long process, skill improvement is accomplish through day to day activity so also problem solving.
Many college students do not take their learning serious. Professor Richard Arum of New York and Josipa Roksa of university of Virgina: “Many students come to college not poorly prepared by prior schooling for highly demanding academic tasks that