Miss Linda Seth
IT Vice President
Collins Harp Enterprise
Michigan, USA
Dear Ms Seth, My firm was asked to review and evaluate your company’s IT system development process and identify potential risks. Based on the conversation you had with Harold Mobley in your meeting, I gained an understanding of how your department operate and have a few suggestions to improve you’re your system development process.
The points below highlights the problems, explanation of the problems and recommendations.
*No Accountability
Based on the structure of your operations there were no set person who was in authority to oversee or supervise all operations even though all five programmers had skills that enabled them to handle most applications and system software development there was no one that was accountable or responsible for anything specific. Control structures must be designed in order to ensure appropriate levels of authority and accountability as this is essential for
I recommend that programmers are given specific tasks and responsibilities to get ensure accountability. Also one person within the five programmers so oversee everything to ensure the work quality is or a certain standard.
No Formal Change Request
There are no formal change requests from the non-IT personnel. Whenever changes or modifications are requested, it is a requirement in good development system arena that changes are documented after which appropriate personnel review and evaluate its benefits and decide whether to implement it. This was not being done in your department; changes that were made were just implemented without sufficient evaluation or documentation.
I recommend a procedure be put in place to accommodate a formal change request as this would aid in ensuring that changes or modification is documented and prompt a formal evaluation of benefits/feasibility with regards to these changes.
*No Documentation