Intro: The discovery of the “New World” is portrayed as a wonderful time by almost all Americans on Columbus Day each and every year. If people knew the true story about what really happened as accounted by Bartolome de Las Casas then there would be less celebrating and realization that we, as people, are idolizing a false hero. The brutal awakening portrayed by de Las Casas in his account allows us to see what really happened in the Indies and prove why Columbus and other explorers aren’t the…
Howard Zinn A Peoples History of the United States Chapter 1: Columbus, the Indians and Human Progress Can historians avoid emphasis on some facts and not others? Historians are selective, they simplify and they emphasize what they believe is important and gloss over other things they view as less important. “This distortion is ideological; it is released into a world of contending interests, where any chosen emphasis supports (whether the historian means to or not) some kind of interest, whether economic or political or racial or national or sexual.” p.8 This emphasis assumes that everyone has the same goals and viewpoints.…
While Paul Johnson focuses on the accomplishments of the colonists, Howard Zinn’s work is more focused on the atrocities the colonists committed. Howard Zinn starts out his novel with the innocent Arawaks greeting Columbus with a bountiful amount of gifts to which Columbus responds selfishly by demanding they show him where the gold is located. After that, things rapidly decline. Zinn proceeds to highlight the enslavement and harsh treatment of the natives by Columbus and the ruthless genocide of the Indians.…
Upon returning to the islands, Columbus discovered the men left behind at the new settlement had been killed and the settlement destroyed. Against the queen's wishes, Columbus captured many Indians and turned them into slave and made them rebuild the settlement. This pattern would continue for Columbus. He would return to Spain a third and a fourth time getting more ships and bringing back Indian slaves and treasures. He would eventually return to Spain to stay. He died there on May 30,…
“Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress,” was written in 1999 by Howard Zinn, and it discusses some of the early interactions between Europeans arriving and colonizing the Americas and the Native Americans who lived there. Zinn quite clearly states the viewpoint of this article, saying he tries, in telling history, “not to be on the side of the executioners.” In other words, Zinn’s article focuses primarily on the effects of the Europeans on the Native Americans, highlighting specific cruelties committed intentionally by the Europeans more than the effects of disease. As far as historical context goes, Zinn covers a wide range of areas, from Peru to the Eastern Coast of North America, and a relatively large range of dates, from Columbus' original…
When the new carracks reached the Hispaniola, The Spaniards encountered themselves with a challenge. The men Columbus left behind refused to labor the land in order to feed themselves and had enraged the Natives by stealing their food and sexually abusing their women. By the time Columbus touched Native soil, they were all dead. The conflict between Native Americans…
The article “America Before Columbus” written by Lewis Lord and Sarah Burke intrigues readers interest and curiosity with an interesting topic of Native Americans and America before Columbus arrived. I will be discussing some ideas I summarized from this article.…
When comparing the source from the book Columbus and the Four Voyages by Laurence Bergreen and the history book they obviously have many similarities. According to the Columbus when he first arrived the Native American people were very nice to him. They treated him with respect and they showed absolutely no threat to him and his people. Columbus felt as though the Native Americans were very easy to manipulate and that it would not be as difficult as he thought to get them to see and do things his way. He did not have to immediately resort to violence because there was no need for…
Native American history taught in school usually is based around Indians traveling across the Bering Strait and living in minor, secluded tribes. Evidence now suggests that these teachings are not entirely true. In Charles C. Mann’s “1491”, Mann writes about Native Indians advancement in agriculture and its population, as well as how the Amazon rain forest might actually be a human artifact and how Native Indians are the reason behind it.…
Howard Zinn covers early Native American civilization in North America and the Bahamas, the genocide and slavery committed by the crew of Christopher Columbus, and the violent colonization by early settlers. While Paul Johnson stated that “the creation of the United States of America is the greatest of all human adventures”. Their points of views are completely 2 different stories.…
In David A. Stannard's book, American Holocaust: Columbus And the Conquest of the New World, Stannard discusses the cruelty he says Christopher Columbus inflicted upon Native Americans and how it was comparable to the genocidal acts of World War II. This debate arose roughly thirteen or so years ago, and before then people thought Columbus could not have possibly done something so horrific. However, there is evidence to support the claims, and the idea that Columbus may have been crueler than previously believed is becoming less and less taboo.…
My fellow congressmen and senators, today we convene to discuss the repercussions of events that occurred nearly three-hundred years before our nation's birth; events that, had they not occurred, it is a certainty that the United States of America would not exist as it does today. The event I am speaking about of course is the world famous voyage of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, and his subsequent discovery of the American continents. One thing that is not disputed by any historian of merit is the fact that Christopher Columbus' landing in the America's led directly to the European colonization of the area, and this colonization (which Columbus was directly involved in) was brutally exploitative, and fatally devastating to the natives of the area. While Christopher Columbus is a…
Howard Zinn’s history shows an alternative point of view, but not an alternative history, compared to many historians. If many historians considered Columbus great, Zinn shows how he is not so great; if many historians say the Native…
In 1492 Christopher Columbus set out on a voyage of discovery (Discovery for his civilization group, for what he found was already inhabited), a voyage that would inadvertently shape the world. Today, over 500 years after his initial voyage, we still discuss the consequence of this voyage. Columbus Day in the United States is a holiday that was celebrated as early as 1905, and became an official federal holiday in 1937. Presently the debate has risen on whether this date should be recognized or celebrated, with places such as Los Angeles along with other cities moving to replace the second Monday in October to Indigenous Peoples Day. In this paper I will argue why we at Cal Poly Pomona should not “Celebrate” Columbus day, but why we should…
Columbus mistreated many Native Americans. “Columbus and his men enslaved many native inhabitants of the West Indies and subjected them to extreme violence and brutality” (Columbus Controversy). On October 12, 1492, Columbus discovered a very friendly society. He was blown away by their hard work and decided to take away their…