
Coluso And Hermes Analysis

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Coluso And Hermes Analysis
In the luscious gardens of Queen Hera, where the birds sing and flower bloom, there were two God, one as obese as the jolly fat man, and the other as skinny as a stick. They were Coluso and Hermes. Coluso had the strength of a wrecking ball, completely destroying anything in his path. His strength was put to waste, because Coluso, with his mighty axe, was a procrastinator. On the other hand, Hermes, Coluso’s partner, was a complete opposite of him. The only thing the two had in common was that they were both rebellious. Hera, their boss, is the Queen of the Heavens. She looks beautiful and friendly on the outside, but looks can be deceiving.

Coluso and Hermes were both doing Hera’s forced labors, such as weeding and mulching, in her beautiful
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Coluso was laughing at the sight, but was punished by Hera with a whipping. They were both huffing and sweating too. Coluso was looking around for water, but he couldn’t find anything. During his search, he saw the mighty Zeus. Stunned, Coluso stopped everything and stared at Zeus, because he could be the one to free him from this horrendous situation. Hera looked up to see what caught Coluso’s attention, and there she saw Zeus. Hera glared at him, with fire in her eyes. Zeus, seeing Hera, ran right back into the kingdom. Hera then got her whip out. As soon …show more content…
They spent the rest of the day doing this. During this time, Hera walked passed the garden, and saw the two Gods scheming. She grew suspicious, and eavesdropped on their conversation. She heard many things, but only one word stood out, Zeus. Hera was furious once again, but she didn’t know why they were talking about Zeus. A paper then passed by her, the same paper that the two Gods saw. She grabbed the paper, and read quickly. She crumbled the paper, and walked to the garden. Coluso and Hermes heard her coming, and started working again. She informed the two that they couldn’t stay in the garden as they usually do, but they have to stay outside in the forest far away. Night came, and she brought them into the farthest shed in the forest she could find. As she was leaving, Coluso and Hermes started to walk up to the door. Hera heard them, and she quickly went back to the door and locked it. As they started to turn the knob, they noticed. “It’s locked.” Hermes

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