Moreover, not only is Verizon seen all over billboards, magazines and heard on radio station commercials. Verizon commercials are also seen during the breaks of your favorite, pass time TV shows. One commercial I found interesting in particular was aired in January 2016. The commercial shows three groups of balls going down spiral lanes and decreasing in value if they do not meet the named standards. The red balls stand for Verizon, the blue balls stand for AT&T, the yellow balls stand for Sprint and the lane for T Mobile is always empty. The commercial focuses on the following: data, call, speed, text and wireless connection. Verizon has a lot more balls in its spiral lane …show more content…
compared to the other cell phone companies. Furthermore, Verizon’s ball commercial is visually engaging to potential customers. Also, the horn that blares out in the beginning catches the watcher’s attention. Verizon did a great job by choosing red balls to represent the company. Red is known to be “one of the top two favorite colors of all people” (Color Matters) and symbolizes positive energy. Also, red demands attention. This commercial may be more appealing to someone looking for a cell phone service to start a contract with. However, it could be a little bias because Verizon could purposely not give as many balls to other cell phone companies to boost their image.
In conclusion, Verizon uses narration in this commercial to show that they are the better cell phone service.
The company makes their point clear why they are using balls. Also, Verizon uses description by appealing to two of the five senses. It is intriguing to watch the balls go around in spiral lanes and figure out how many balls will be released for the other companies. Also, the sound of the horn at the beginning of the commercial builds excitement and rings in the watcher’s ears. There is something about watching a race that is engaging to the mind. Verizon used all of the right techniques to grab the attention of watchers and gain