Now a days some doctors and nurses do not communicate and that could be life threatening. Abstract
Over the years physicians and nurses have had to communicate because of them working in the same profession. Communication between nurses and physicians is a something they have to do in health care, and if the fail to do so they may have an affect with poor quality and patient errors. Over the years the interactions between physician and nurse is different. They are two professionals that have to have a relationship to make sure that they have the same goals to make their patient goal, Which is to feel comfortable and understand the patient and their needs.
Throughout the years the relationships between professionals have changed.
You need to make sure that the relationship between your colleagues has respect because if it doesn’t then there are going to be problems at your job. When disruptive communication happens you need to make sure that both physicians and nurses always communicate the right way and if you don’t if may decrease the patients safety. If there is not any proper communication then if something is misunderstood by either the nurse or the doctor a medication could be distributed wrong or the patient could be discharged early. Physician and nurse relationship and communication is something that has drawn interest in a lot of people over the years. By the mid 90’s physician and nurse interactions had changed because both physicians