Western Governors University
RUP1 Project
As a nurse at The Cancer Center at St. Joseph Hospital I am committed to the safety and
well-being of the patients I care for. In doing so I maintain my licensure, specialty certification, and continuing education credits. I will explain how the New Hampshire Board of Nursing, the
Oncology Nurses Society, the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, Kristen M. Swanson’s (1999) middle range Theory of Caring and Florence Nightingale influence
or influenced my nursing career.
Functional Differences
There are functional differences between the New Hampshire Board of Nursing
(NHBON) and the Oncology Nurses Society, (ONS). NHBON protects …show more content…
the health, welfare and
safety of the people of New Hampshire and holds nurses accountable to patients. NHBON is
made up of 11 board members all employed by the state of New Hampshire. Board members
consist of five registered nurses one which must be and advanced practice registered nurse, two
licensed practical nurses, two licensed nursing assistants, and two public members. The
Governor of New Hampshire appoints the board members. NHBON regulates the practice of
nursing in New Hampshire, deals with complaints against nurses, takes disciplinary action
against nurses if indicated, enforces New Hampshire’s nurse practice acts, and manages licensure
for advanced practice registered nurses, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and licensed
nursing assistants. ONS is made up of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and six
directors from the society’s current membership. Officers and directors are elected by the
members. ONS mission is “to promote excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care”
(ONS.org, 2014). ONS manages oncology nurse national certifications, will monitor pending or
proposed legislation as relates to oncology nursing, and the members have a vote for elected
positions. ONS provides both local chapters and national resources for education and growth.
I pay a fee to NHBON for renewal of my current license. I refer to the nurse practice acts should
I have any questions to the legality as my role of a nurse in New Hampshire. ONS is a national
organization specializing in the scope and standards of oncology nursing practice as the
NHBON represents all the licensed nurses in the state of New Hampshire. I maintain my
national oncology nurse certification through ONS and my registered nurse license through
Nursing Code Examples
“Provision 7 The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through
contributions to practice, educations, administration, and knowledge development” (Nursing
world.org, 2001). I am furthering my education by enrolling in the RN to BSN program at
Western Governors University. I also maintain my oncology nurse certification, chemotherapy
and biotherapy certification, and basic life support certifications to stay up to date with current
practices. In my current role as an oncology nurse the right to self-determination has a major
influence in my practice. I feel it is very important for the patient to be fully educated and made
aware of all treatments, side effects to treatment, benefits to treatment, if it is palliative or curative so as to make an informed decision as to have treatment or not. Some may choose
quality of life over quantity of life. It is my role to give the support, information, and non-biased
opinions and respect the decision of the patient.
Professional Traits
Four professional traits that I would bring to an interdisciplinary team of
healthcare professionals are privacy, education, relationships to patients, and respect. It is very
important to me to treat every patient with respect regardless of economic status or nature of
disease. All patients deserve privacy and discussions between interdisciplinary teams should
remain knowledge of the team and whoever the patient signs release for. I do not disclose any information to others without the consent from the patient. My knowledge, experience, oncology
certification and education in nursing and oncology will assist the team in making a treatment
plan for patients. I feel one of my biggest traits to offer is the ability to form a great nurse
patient relationship that enables open communication that will be in the best interest of the
Nursing Theory
A theory that has influenced my nursing practice is Kristen M Swanson’s (1991) middle
range Theory of Caring.
Theory in Professional Practice
Kristin M. Swanson’s (Swanson 1991) middle range Theory of caring defines caring as
“a nurturing way of relating to a valued other toward whom one feels a personal sense of
commitment and responsibility” is part of the mission of my hospital. There are five patterns she
describes, maintaining belief, knowing, being with, doing for, and enabling I use to help my
patients achieve their goal for good health and well-being. Every day that I work I incorporate this theory into my daily care with patients. The theory gives me the direction to seek to and
understand the patient’s life and meanings and then to apply my skills and knowledge to better care for the patient. I am an active listener and make the patient feel important as I get to know the patient. I listen to their pain and side effects and communicate with the doctor to help
minimize their symptoms. I enable the patient by educating and informing them on …show more content…
chemotherapy treatment to empower them to make informed decisions giving them autonomy.
In the oncology field I always maintain a hope filled attitude and also give them realistic
expectations but most of all I am always there to support them when needed.
I would have to say the Florence Nightingale’s contributions impact my role as a nurse.
“Nightingale introduced principles of asepsis and infection control, a system for transcribing physicians’ orders, and a procedure to maintain patient records” (Cherry, 2011”). Every day I
strive to maintain sterile fields when accessing ports, properly preparing sites for intravenous
insertions and strict hand washing are only some of what I do to help prevent infection. I refer
to doctor’s orders prior to every administration of medication I give to a patient and if I feel there is a discrepancy I discuss it with the doctor prior to administering the medication. I provide
accurate documentation for every patient in a timely manner. My documentation has progressed from written notes on paper to using electronic medical records. With the use of electronic medical records it has become easier to track statistics as it enables the use of running reports.
The principles of justice and autonomy I use frequently. “Autonomy, the principle of
respect for a person” (Cherry, 2011) Working as an oncology nurse I meet patients that are
with the decision of treatment for cure and/or palliative treatment. I provide the education of
what the treatment will do for them including the side effects. I support the patient with their decision to treat or not to treat. I may feel different when the patient declines treatment when it
is curable but I will support their decision. Quality versus quantity of life is the decision of the
patient. After they have met with the doctor and are given the evidence based treatment options,
outcomes, and possible side effects and complications listen, provide more information as
requested, and confirm that they have all the correct information to make their decision. “Social
justice—acting in accordance with fair treatment regardless of economic status, race, ethnicity,
age, citizenship, disability, or sexual orientation I am very fortunate to work in a great hospital”
(Cherry, 2011). Chemotherapy treatments are very expensive. Justice is served. I had a patient
that did not have insurance and was not able to afford the cost of his chemotherapy treatment.
Working with our social worker and hospital we worked with the patient to either qualify them
for drug assistance programs, check to see if patient would be able to qualify for Medicaid or
Social Security, or other financial assistance from our hospital. He qualified for the free care
program offered by our hospital and was treated.
As a nurse my license is regulated by the New Hampshire board of Nursing. I am a member of the Oncology Nurses Society to keep up date on information related to oncology
nursing. I am guided by the Nurse Practice Act and the Code of Ethics for Nurses. Kristin M.
Swanson’s (1999) middle range Theory of Caring and Florence Nightingale influence my
nursing career. Respect of autonomy and justice is provided to all patients I care for.
Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements. (2001, January 1). . Retrieved May 15,
2014, from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsforNur
Cherry, Jacob,. Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management. 5th Edition. Mosby,
2011. VitalBook file. Bookshelf.
Nurse Practice Act. (2013, January 1). NH.gov. Retrieved May 19, 2014, from
ONS Mission, Vision, and Values. (2014, January 1). ONS. Retrieved May 19, 2014, from
Swanson, K. M.(1991). Empirical Development Of A Middle Range Theory Of Caring. Nursing
Research, 40, 161-165.
Tomey, A., & Alligood, M. (2010). Kristen M. Swanson: Theory of Caring. Nursing theorists
and their work (7th ed.,). St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby/Elsevier.
Welcome to the New Hampshire board of nursing. (2013, December 11). . Retrieved May 19, 2014,
from http://www.nh.gov/nursing/about-us/documents/welcome.pdf