Supporting individual with specific communication needs
Explain the importance of meeting an individual’s communication needs.
People communicate because they need to let others know what they want and feel, as well as to find things out and get answers to their question and to pass on information and give direction.
Communication is a basic human right. Without communication the individual is unable to realise or exercise their rights. Under the human rights act 1998 all individuals have the right to freedom of expression.
Without identifying and supporting the individuals communication needs many may be denied their rights. The right of and individual is also up held in (GSCC) General Social Care Council.
In order to effectively support an individual with his or her communication we must have a thorough understanding of their needs. All individuals have a right to communication and we are governed by standards, codes of practice, guidelines, morals and law to ensure those communication needs are met.
Explain how own role and practice can impact on communication with an individual who has specific communication needs.
It is true that a person's own beliefs and experiences could affect working practice or affect my role as a healthcare worker. However, as a professional health care worker, it is part of my responsibilities to treat all service users equally and never allow my personal beliefs affect my role.
Imposing my own beliefs and experiences is not acceptable in the healthcare practice and would be against the standard codes of practice, and organisational policies. Example giving preferential treatment to service user because I like them more than others, treating a client differently because we have the same or different religion, different values as regards personal hygiene, different sexual orientation.
Furthermore, treating a service user badly because in the past I have had a