Thinking back on the semester as I whole, I must admit that my personal presence throughout the semester was at times extremely critical and specific and on-point. However at other times I was checked out, both physically and mentally. This semester has been very trying for me and I would be lying if I said that this class wasn’t a source of stress for me. That isn’t the fault of the material but rather, my thoughts, morals and engagement with the material. As I have discussed previously, I grew up in a culture where sex and sexuality was not discussed. Discussion of sexual desire was certainly frowned upon, and basically it never happened except in very private and safe situations. I never in a million years imagined myself taking a class on sexuality, sitting in a room full of strangers and discussing losing our virginity or talking about our bodies and feelings surrounding sex. It was all very new and intriguing and scary to me.
Eventually though I got comfortable enough to share my thoughts and experiences with others, but for the most part I attempted to keep the work I was doing for this class private. I even had a hard time explaining to my parents what this class was about and the work I was doing in this class. Now, I’m not a prude by any stretch of the imagination. It is just that my parents, but especially my mother, taught me that sexuality and expressions of sexuality was very unbecoming and un-ladylike. Overtime I’ve adapted to that mode of thinking, causing me to put up walls when it comes to discussing sex and sexuality. But this class has been eye opening to me, especially when hearing the experiences of the other people in class, that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my sexuality and sexual thinking. I understand now that it has been my parent’s presuppositions that they probably learned from their parents and their community that caused them to teach me about sexuality the way that they did. Because of this, I tried to learn the