1. Identify the different reasons people communicate.
Some of the reasons why we communicate are:
-To promote relationships and offer support: People such as social workers use this allot as they have regular contact with a ‘family in need’ and build up a system of support for the family.
-To maintain relationships: A child’s key person will ensure that they get to know the child and its family in order to build and maintain a trusting relationship.
-To exchange information: Such as a person visiting their GP, they will supply the doctor with information about their symptoms. They will in turn receive and give information that will enable them to understand more about their medical problem.
-To negotiate and liaise with others: A person such as a nursery manager will liaise with other professionals and with parent groups and committees to discuss policies and procedures.
-To express needs and feelings: Children and young people should be given the opportunity to express themselves freely and regularly, they also need to know that adults will acknowledge them and meet their needs.
-To develop learning: Children & young people need to receive feedback from practitioners about progress made.
2. Explain how effective communication effects all aspects of your work.
Children and young people will learn to trust and respect you if you communicate effectively and properly with them. You will also develop stronger relationships with colleagues, parents and other adults.
Parents: This is very important to communicate effectively with parents, there are various ways to communicate and build up a trusting relationship by doing this...
-Use the preferred name (Miss, Mrs)
-Consult them about what happens to the child
-Speak directly and clearly
-Positive body language
-Eye contact
-Give each individual their own time and listen carefully