There are two main reasons why we communicate:
• To gather relevant information from people.
• To elicit emotional support to people and in turn build mutually useful relationships.
This is best demonstrated within the work place. It is crucial to be able to retrieve necessary information from your boss by listening carefully and paying close attention to detail. If this does not happen you could very easily be terminated from your job for not following instructions. Also it is important to form relationships with colleagues that are not only beneficial to yourself but also to both parties. This way, you even look forward to going to work in the morning knowing that you have people who can back up your ideas, feelings and notions.
There are two types of communication:
1) Internal communication.
2) Interpersonal communication.
1) Internal Communication
This is well known as self talk or the voice within. They are the spoken words in our minds which we do not say out loud. It could be both positive and negative. In the positive sense it serves to shape our self esteem and in self encouragement. It also helps when we challenge ourselves to achieve greater goals if we have already succeeded and surpassed our prior targets. This is best achieved through affirmations based on true beliefs, worth, potential, goals, expectations and abilities. Say a businessman had set out to get a certain contract with a partner firm he will