Nicole L Chapman RN
April, 29 2013
Norma L. Lloyd, M.S.
Communication style case study
Communication is fundamental for good mental health and healthy relationships in the health care workplace. The following scenarios are reviewed for styles of communication with the benefits or weaknesses of each. There is abundant value in clear and productive workplace communication.
The types of communication styles in the example related to Rashad were aggressive and passive communication. Evidence of aggression shown as the Registered Nurse communicated to the nurse aide that included a raised tone of voice and negative comments, show evidence of superiority and attaches blame to the individual. This type of communication may induce feelings of negativity and may often cause the individual to feel the need to retaliate with anger in return. By communicating in a passive manner ideas may not be shared because a person may feel belittled and humiliated, thus provoking an unwillingness to bring forward positive suggestions to the task at hand. Passive behavior as Rashad showed with his “sitting quietly and not responding” (Hansten & Jackson, p. 283 2009) is nonproductive as it is an act to avoid the situation presented. The individual with the passive behavior may feel fear of prosecution, but act out in anger toward the person at a later date. The aggressor will alienate an individual and blame or attack others. These individuals will remain in a position of powerlessness unless the behavior changes.
The scenario involving Pamela, a school nurse was evidence of nonassertive communication. Every time a person acts in a passive manner, they lose self-respect. Pam is doing the labor herself which may be not proper use of her time. Nor is it providing the proper communication to others about what is in needs to be completed. Communicating in a clear and concise method about what is required, an individual having