1.1 Facilitate the development of SMART objectives and work plans with team members
Specific goal rather than generalise goals. You must tell exactly what is expected, why its important, who is involved, where its going to happen and which attributes are important.
Your specific goal should cover - who is involved where- identify a location why- specific reasons or purpose which- identify requirements and constraints
All goals must be measurable to then measure the progress towards the successful outcome, to measure progress is to monitor and access success and achievement.
Stresses the importance of goals that are realistic and attainable, how can the goal be accomplished?
Choosing goals that matter
Time bound
Grounding goals within a time frame providing a target date A commitment to a deadline supports others to focus their efforts on completion of the goal set. A time bound goal is intended to establish an urgency.
Example- Care plans goals, client needs to loose weight, how, activities exercise, diet plan and education- SMART.
Support team of care on best to support clients the SMART procedure, enforce and practise, make others aware of person central. Good communication and documentation provides consistency in supporting staff and clients in SMART objectives and goals. Life star and goals as an example- template. Read it and sign n it sheet and summarise it.
Unit 501
1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within job role
communication plays a vital role in providing a duty of care. To provide a duty of care at the best possible standards staff must be able to communicate automaton /sign brail verbally picture charts , books emotion charts preferred language religious views ad wishes body language
know clients care plans and