What is the impact of the latest communications technologies on our life. For example the inmpact of the Internet. The Internet is an international network that links computers from all over the world and alows information to travel from one computer to another. It was introduced in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee.The internet operates 24 hours a day and can be used at any time.
What is the impact of Internet on personal life? People can use Internet for their own personal research, can read the news or e-book, can do online shopping, online banking, can book or reserve tickets. They can exchange emails with friends, attach or download pictures or videos and use the Skype for free personal long distance communication. The statistic ( internetworldstat.) says that there is (2014) about 2923 000 000 people using internet world wide.
This is the hiearchy of internet use activities according to statistics:
Travel and accomodation
Dowloading software
Reading or dowloading nespaper
Job hunting and applying for jobs online
Finding health related information.
Children and their use of internet
Children are usage of internet depends on their age. They use the internet in different way than adults. Children as young as 2 are already able to play games on internet. Older children use internet also for games but also for learning, they can dowload homework help and different educational stuff like for example searching online encyclopedia, dowloading pictures for school report and socializing with their friends.
Young teenagers can benefit from more sophisticated Web resources. Young adolescent can benefit from the use of internet when they search for example for intership placement, summer holidays work opportunities, software to create multimedia reports and specialized help with foreign languages and other school related subjects.
Statistic tells us that 76% children have used
Bibliography: www.theatlantic.com www.cambio.com www.dailymail.uk www.theguardian.com www.nap.edu/netsafekids/inter_kids.html www.internetworldstat.com www.wikipedia.org