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Communication can be understood by examining the context in which communication takes place and by reviewing some of the theories that govern how communication works within each context.
Part A – Communication Contexts
Directions: Define each communication context.
A. Intrapersonal:
B. Interpersonal:
C. Group:
D. Organizational:
E. Public:
F. Mass:
G. Intercultural:
Part B – Communication Contexts and Their Related Theories
Directions: Place the appropriate letter of each context above next to its related theory. Then write a brief explanation of each theory.
1. A Cognitive Dissonance – refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. http://www.simplypsychology.org/cognitive-dissonance.html
2. G Face-Negotiation Theory – assumes that people of every culture are concerned with the presentation of their face. It is a theory that infuses conflict into its framework, trying to explain why members of two different cultures manage conflict differently. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0767430344/student_view0/chapter26/
3. C Groupthink – is defined as a way of deliberating that group members use when their desire for unanimity overrides their motivation to assess all available plans of action
4. B Communication Privacy Management – A theory that discusses the process people use to manage the relationship between concealing and revealing private information.
5. E Organizational Information Theory – The process by which organizations collect, manage, and use the information that they receive.
6. F Spiral of Silence –
7. D Rhetoric/Dramatism/Narrative Paradigm –
Part A – Communication Contexts
Directions: Define each communication context.
A. Intrapersonal: is communication with yourself, like thinking out loud by talking to yourself.
B. Interpersonal: is the basic form of communication, person to