Michelle Glahe
PSY104 Child and Adolescent Development
Janet Stebbins
April 10, 2017
ROOM #1 – Infant Room
The first scheduled activity for this room will to having singing time with the infants. I will have a chance to sit and sing little songs to each infant in the room. The song that I have in mind is “Pat-A-Cake” which will require hand movements such as clapping and arm rolling. I believe that this will help the infants’ cognitive development because when you sing to them, they will want to sing as well and start making little noises to go along with the song.
My second activity for the infants will be to engage in some physical activities such as having tummy time, doing a little bit of crawling and playing with toys appropriate for infants. I don’t want the infant to be confined in a crib or in one spot. This activity will enhance their physical development by …show more content…
being able to crawl around and do a lot of movements without being confined in a small space. I would like to have baby walkers that have all the little toys around it so that the infants can attempt to walk and play with the toys. I think that these are great for infants so they can learn how to walk. This type of walker can be purchased at Babies R Us.
ROOM #2 – Toddler Room
The first scheduled activity for this class will to have a little Scavenger Hunt. The children will have to go around the room and find things that are red or something that’s shaped like an orange. Another good activity to do with the kids would be the telephone game where their all whispering what they heard to their neighbor until we get to the last person to see if they relay what was said, I feel that this game would be great for children at the age of three and four. With the telephone game, it would help the children with their language and they’ll be learning new words to add to their vocabulary. Now that I think about it they’ll also develop some, or better listening skills, so the telephone game would be a great activity! For this game, it doesn’t require any materials. The only thing that’s needed is the children to sit in a circle.
ROOM #3 – Early Childhood Room
The first activity for the early childhood class will be to play the memory game. The memory game consists of little cards with certain pictures on them and they come in multiple cards. The card will be flipped over and the child will try and find another card that matches the one that was flipped over. This activity will help the children’s cognitive development by speeding up their thought process and improving their memory
The second scheduled activity is Show and Tell. Show and Tell is where the children will bring their favorite toy or item to class and tell the class why it’s their favorite toy and what it can do. The rest of the class will be able to ask each other questions about the item or toy. This activity helps the children to be able to express how they feel about something that’s important to them. They will develop listening skills and how to ask simple questions. I believe that this activity will enhance the children’s social development because they will be interacting with each other about the item or toy they selected for this activity and learn how to respect each other by giving everyone the opportunity to speak without being interrupted. One of the issues I can think of would be coming from family and parenting because sometimes the children do not know how to interact with anyone because they’re not around other children. The main items that I would like to have in the early childhood are room is books. Books that are age appropriate such as the Berenstain Bears books which I loved as a child and I’m sure they will as well. These types of books can be bought on Amazon.com
ROOM #4 – Middle/Late Childhood Room
A good activity for this age group that will help with their development is to use blocks. Start with the blocks in a clear container. Then stack the blocks. Once the blocks are in a stack ask the student if the number of blocks have changed because the organization of the blocks has changed. With this activity, you can use blocks or Legos. The objective of using these blocks is to teach a better understanding of conservation. “Conservation is the understanding that something stays the same in quantity even though its appearance changes” (McLeod, 2010). This activity proves that even though the blocks were manipulated the quantity did not change. Piaget’s third stage of cognitive development is known as the concrete operational stage. “Piaget considered the concrete stage a major turning point in the child's cognitive development, because it marks the beginning of logical or operational thought” (McLeod, 2010).
Another activity for this age group would be the board game Candy land.
This game includes a small deck of cards with different colored squares, the actual game board and a few game characters to move around the board with. The instructions to this activity are that each child will pick out which character they would like to be. Once each child has their piece everyone sets their piece on the start square on the board and they all begin to pull cards from the deck starting with the youngest player first rotating clockwise. Once you pick your card and read it you go where it says. For example, they maybe 2 yellow squares on the card which means you move to two yellow squares and continue to do such until someone reaches the finish point first. “The characteristics of learner’s experience in game making activity are a positive one, it is shown that children learn a lot through play and therefore learn many lessons in games” (Jung, 2008). Since children learn best through play I figure id share my favorite childhood game for children to
Some of the issues that with this activity is some of the children not being able to accept someone else winning the game and not being able to stay focused and patient.
ROOM #5 – Adolescence Room
The main activity that I would like to do in the adolescence room is an activity that’s called “Two truths and a Lie” for this activity each student will have a turn to tell the class three things about themselves. Two of the three things they us will be a lie and as a class we must figure out which one is a lie. I feel that it’s a fun activity that will help them get to know each other. Since social relationships are important at this age, this activity gets to talk to one another, share a relation to the truths of the activity and become friends. I know that it takes time to make friends at this age but I think this will speed that process up just a little. Not only will this activity get them to talk to each other it will get some of the students out of their shyness and get involved with the class.
Another great activity I have for this age group is to possibly have a sex education class. At this age of the students they’re curious about what’s going on with their bodies, why are their voices changing or why this part of my body is growing. I feel that it’s important for adolescence to be educated about the changes going on with their bodies and how to deal with them. This class helps them fully understand how their physical development works. Most adolescents don’t really understand their physical development because their parents aren’t talking to them about it. It’s very important for parents to talk to their children about their physical development so that they understand it and know how to deal with it. A game that I would like to have in this classroom is Taboo. I feel that this game would be great for this class because it not only helps the kids with their communication skills; it helps them learn how to work as a team. This Game can be purchased at Amazon.com
Mossler, R.A. (2011). Child and adolescent development. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. https://www.simplypsychology.org/learning http://www.amazon.com/Taboo http://www.amazon.com/Jan-Berenstain/e/B003UIZ1PS http://prezi.com/1cnnzhw_uhix/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy