English Comp. II
11th Feb. 2013
Mr. Wilson
Concept of Community College: Then and Now
Joliet Junior College, opened in 1901, is thought to be the first continuously operating public community college in the United States. By 1998 there were 1,600 community colleges across all 50 states. Since their creation at the turn of the twentieth century, community colleges have provided pathways to higher education. It is an undisputable fact the community colleges have consistently increased their enrollment and improved access to higher education. Their academics, athletics, campus life are just a few things that have changed, along with their scholarships, locations, number of students, and the reason to go to a community college.
When someone thinks of college, the first thing that comes to mind is academics. All community colleges have the basic core courses so that students may spend their freshman and sophomore years there before transferring to a university to finish their education. The goal is to do that without being behind at the universities. Why would a student go to an expensive university when he or she doesn’t even know what they want to do? Community colleges offer the same general education as a university. That is a reason why so many students go to community colleges now. While this is true for the most part, many community colleges adapt to what the community needs Historically, community colleges concentrated on two missions, supplying introductory college level courses to students interested in transferring to four-year college or university, and providing occupational training intended to equip program graduates with skills needed for jobs in the local labor market. Community colleges were originally called “junior colleges” but that has evolved to mean private institutions, while community college is used to describe public colleges. Transfer and occupational training programs designed for students 18-22 year-old high
Cited: Page Leigh,Duane E.,and Andrew M. Gill. Do Community Colleges Respond To Local Needs? : Evidence From California. n.p.:W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2007. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 18 Feb. 2013. Geller, Harold A. A Brief History of Community Colleges and a Personal View of Some Issues (Open Admissions, Occupational Training and Leadership).. 20 Feb. 2013. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED459881&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED459881Web Lindy McCain Linda Bunch