The movie was more powerful because …show more content…
(A Wrinkle In Time 2018). The little woman sighed. The enormous glasses caught the light again and shone like an owl’s eyes. “In case we need ghosts, of course,” she said. “I should think you’d have guessed. If we have to frighten anybody away Whatsit thought we ought to do it appropriately. That’s why it’s so much fun to stay in a haunted house. But we really didn’t mean you to know about the sheets. Auf frischer Tat ertappt. German. In flagrante delicto. Latin. Caught in the act. English. As I was saying—.” (page 24) The book does not show the personality and tone with only words so they got the actors that best fit the personality of the characters and gave them the role because it would be more immersive and there is a saying called, actions speak louder than