Compared to universities, 2 year schools are very affordable to most Americans. Yearly tuition in the 4,500-dollar range is on average less than half the cost of public four-year colleges and about one-tenth the cost of private four-year colleges. 2 year colleges are able to keep tuition low because they are often supported by local tax revenue including things like not having to upkeep facilities such as dorms. Schools like this are make college a reality for many people who wouldn’t have gone otherwise simply because it is cheaper. As a result, students who spend two years at a community college and then transfer to a four-year college spend less money for the same bachelor's degree as their
Compared to universities, 2 year schools are very affordable to most Americans. Yearly tuition in the 4,500-dollar range is on average less than half the cost of public four-year colleges and about one-tenth the cost of private four-year colleges. 2 year colleges are able to keep tuition low because they are often supported by local tax revenue including things like not having to upkeep facilities such as dorms. Schools like this are make college a reality for many people who wouldn’t have gone otherwise simply because it is cheaper. As a result, students who spend two years at a community college and then transfer to a four-year college spend less money for the same bachelor's degree as their