Welsh Baccalaureate
‘Compare and contrast crime rates in Bridgend, South Wales to Luton, East England.’
Gemma Cartwright 12.4
Word count: 2088
Within this investigation I will gather first and second hand evidence to decide which town had the highest overall rating of violence during 2010-2011.
I decided on my local town of Bridgend in South Wales because of the night life, amount of schools in the area and the increase of migration in the last 5-10 years. I also selected Luton; East England because of its high rate of younger persons compared to the rest of England, Luton is also one town with the highest migration increase.
‘Luton has, proportionately, a higher amount of young people compared to England as a whole3. 12.7% of the population of Luton are aged 5-14 (compared to 11.5% of the population of England) and 6.7% are aged 15-19 (compared to 6.5% of the population of England)’ Luton.gov.uk, page 6.
In my study I hope to achieve a connection between unemployment and the percentage of violence within the two selected towns, along the way it may show a connection between the two towns in means of migration as a key point towards violence and theft. Due to myself being close to Bridgend I am able to provide personal opinions, experiences and primary photographs about the area, with Bridgend there is a jobcentre marking how high unemployment is within this town, the same for Luton. I believe that people that are on the dole are more likely to perform a violent act for numerous reason, may they be jealousy, hatred and a general dislike to those that have a job and decent lifestyle.
To begin, I have gathered secondary research online from neighbourhoodstatistics.gov.uk, with statistics that range from violence against the person to non-fatal casualties. Screen shots on the next page, the whole areas of Bridgend and Luton are easily comparable because of their distance to the