
Compare And Contrast David And Goliath

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Compare And Contrast David And Goliath
Before looking at the works themselves, it’s beneficial to have an understanding of the subject they are focused on. Many people are familiar with the story of a young boy named David vanquishing the gargantuan warrior Goliath with nothing but a slingshot, but few are aware of who David truly was. The last of eight sons, David led a solitary and strenuous life as a shepherd. It was this experience that would prepare him for the challenge to come. According to biblical researcher Wayne Blank in his article “David and Goliath” on his website Daily Bible Study at, by protecting his sheep from predators, David had “developed his courage and fighting skills.” But these weren’t the only talents he had fine-tuned in the fields. …show more content…

Because they are of the same person, they obviously share a similar likeness. Both depictions show David with curly hair, a long, pointed nose and a strong, rounded jaw. He is fairly muscular and standing on some sort of rocky terrain, much like the battlefield in the story is envisioned to be. The statues are similar on deeper levels as well. It is clear by the amount of detail that the subject was someone significant. He was an individual that both the artists felt should be portrayed as strong and substantial, but each sculptor had a different strategy to demonstrate their …show more content…

The statue shows a subject that seems undecided, and doesn’t have much purpose or direction. He is standing in a ready but fairly relaxed pose, and there isn’t much action depicted. There also aren’t many props or tools to support the character. David is holding his sling in his hand, but there is little detail to it, and it’s difficult to see at nearly all angles. Being somewhat plain in terms of components, the focus of the artwork is David himself, not what he had or what he did. The emphasis of the piece is emotion; how David felt about the famous task that lay ahead of him. Based on what is known about David, the fact that he could be reflective makes sense, but thoughtfulness wasn’t the only trait he was credited

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