An associate degree is basically the next step or level of education after your high school diploma. Anybody can receive their associate’s degree either at the Early College High School or college. Also if you attend an Early College High School and didn’t get your associates by the 12th grade year, at least you can try again at college. Hopefully your credits will transfer to the college of your choice and you can resume from there. In addition to receiving your associate’s degree, time management is another thing in order to be successful in both educational
An associate degree is basically the next step or level of education after your high school diploma. Anybody can receive their associate’s degree either at the Early College High School or college. Also if you attend an Early College High School and didn’t get your associates by the 12th grade year, at least you can try again at college. Hopefully your credits will transfer to the college of your choice and you can resume from there. In addition to receiving your associate’s degree, time management is another thing in order to be successful in both educational