New mothers lose significant amounts of sleep the first year or two. After doing the math, this means I will lose double the amounts of sleep than normal! However, I will not be able to sleep in until 10:00am as I used to before having children. We are on a set schedule and wake up bright and early. I am now responsible for two other people. Getting ready to go anywhere is a task. I not only have to get myself ready, but I also have to get the kids ready. I can never win. If I dress them before myself, I risk having to dress them a second time because they have gotten into the pantry and decided they would pull out the flour and have a party. Due to life’s mishaps a lot of times, time is just not on my side.
Carrying a purse with all of my belongings is no longer an option. I am carrying a bag in the same way, only I must now carry a bag with all of the baby’s necessities. My wallet and cell phone might be the only things that are “mine” in this gigantic bag. Just as I was once childless and prepared, I am still with children and prepared for anything.
I can no longer jump up out of my seat when my girlfriends call to invite me to lunch or out for drinks, unlike the times when I had no children. I have to make sure that I have a sitter or someone to watch my children. If I have no sitter I can very well bring the children with me to lunch. But I have no idea how the afternoon will play out or how they will