The disney Mulan has a very nice art style and coloring. The plot and theme connect really well to form a great piece. Fa Mulan the main character in Mulan is out-going, obnoxious, but really wants to be the honor for her family. So when her father, Fa Zhou, an old person with gray/black hair and a short black beard, was to be sent to the army Mulan took the initiative to take his place. She cut her long, black silky hair just short enough to still be able to put it in a top-knot. The only thing she left her father as was …show more content…
They kind of start out the same with Mulan going to war in her father’s place, however, Mulan has a friend with her who is human, Fei Tiger. He helps her out by introducing her to people and getting her in the far corner of the tent that the new recruits share. When Mulan meet Wentai (the person she loves later on) she refused to talk to hima and only talked to her horse, Black Wind. Wentai said, “Then think of me as horse.” He talks about his horse MoonChaser and then they Meet Scholar who was an amazing painter, Sadly he and many others died later on in the movie. During the war that lasted 12 years Mulan and Wentai became generals because she had already known martial arts. Additionally, everyone of her followers admired her, protecting her through the times of her sorrow of Wentai’s death and when she was on the brink of death herself. At the end of the movie she had told her majesty that she was a women, asking him to return home to her ill