Myths were created to explain everything from the creation of man to what caused the separation of heaven and earth. The Gilgamesh epic focuses on explaining immortality through Gilgamesh’s quest. Gilgamesh and the book of Genesis have a lot of similarities. Though Christians do not refer back to the epic the similarities are too much alike to ignore. They both include a global flood caused by wickedness and sin. Noah and Utnapishtim were both righteous and blessed after the flood because of their deeds. The two heroes built boats to prepare for the flood, holding both animals and humans. Just as the bible describes how the world was made and how it works, myths do the same for other
Myths were created to explain everything from the creation of man to what caused the separation of heaven and earth. The Gilgamesh epic focuses on explaining immortality through Gilgamesh’s quest. Gilgamesh and the book of Genesis have a lot of similarities. Though Christians do not refer back to the epic the similarities are too much alike to ignore. They both include a global flood caused by wickedness and sin. Noah and Utnapishtim were both righteous and blessed after the flood because of their deeds. The two heroes built boats to prepare for the flood, holding both animals and humans. Just as the bible describes how the world was made and how it works, myths do the same for other