Keywords: American,French,Hardships There were revolutionary wars that took place a long time ago that will forever be marked in history.We will learn about it today and then thirty-five years later from now and so on. The french and american revolution war lead their country to a great evolution. By examining the two revolutionary wars the reader will understand why the french and American revolution was different
but similar. Both of the countries did not want a ruler with absolute power. Each had economic uncertainty coming from the war debt. Also they each had problems with unfair taxation, the French people third estate had the highest taxing command in Europe. The countries shared similar ideas for their constitutions. While being in separate revolutions is something that the French and American Had in common ,There are some things to consider like the differences.
The main difference between the revolutions is why they occurred. American revolution happened because the american colonist hated being taxed without being represented in parliament,the colonist wanted the same rights as the British. French revolution took place because the “subjects” as they called them in France wanted domination from the French monarchy anticipated to the enlightenment ideals that were common at the time. Even so who fought the far for the countries was different the army lead by George washington fought the American revolution and the peasants fought for the French.
What came out the war for the Americans is that the colonist got independence and the effect was that the United states of america was formed also we inspired the French. The Effects for French was the three classes came together as one