
Compare And Contrast The Four Gospels

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Compare And Contrast The Four Gospels
The New Testament contains four written gospels, the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. Each gospel tells the same story, but each paints a different picture of Jesus and relays different ideas and concerns for their readers. These differences can be a result of who each author’s intended audience is and what message they are wanting to give to their audience. All four gospels can be seen as real accounts written by real people of how four different communities interpret Jesus. The Gospel of Mark appears second in the New Testament, but is now recognized as the first gospel and as building the ground work for the following gospel writings. According to biblical scholars, the tone of Mark’s gospel indicates that his writing was intended …show more content…
The Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5:18-48) is interpreted by many as Jesus’ fulfilling Jewish law. “The dominant element in the Matthean portrayal of Jesus is as fulfillment of Jewish hope” (Imperato 23). The Gospel of Luke is thought to be written sometime around 80-90 C.E (Cory 180). Some biblical scholars believe that the author of Luke’s gospel was Gentile and others say he was Jewish because of the references he uses to the Old Testament Septuagint. Whether Jewish or Gentile his writings show that he was well educated in Greek language and customs. He also puts a lot of focus on the events that portrays Jesus’ humanity. There are several “characteristic of this gospel that suggest that Luke was a non-Palestinian writing to a non-Palestinian audience that was largely made up of Gentile Christians” (Lk: Introduction). Luke states whom he is addressing his gospel to and its’ purpose in Luke 1:1-4. He addressed his gospel to a Gentile named Theophilus, which means “lover of God.” He writes so that Theophilus may “realize the certainty of the teachings” (Lk. 1:4). This opening can be interpreted as Luke speaking to an audience who already has faith and believes in Christ (Cory 180). “And people will come from the east and the west and from the north and the south and will recline at table in the kingdom of God. For behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last” (Lk. 13:29-30). These verses show Luke emphasizing Jesus’ love for those that would not have been recognized by Jewish leaders, which I believe to represent the intended audience to be

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