Alicia A. Gallegos
HIS103: ACF1249A
Amy Obszarski
January, 07, 2013
4 Religions In 3 Cultural Areas
Focus of Paper In covering the topic of religion from pre-history to 1500 CE, I have picked to main focuses which include Polytheistic and Monotheistic religions. Regarding my choice of Polytheistic religion I have learn that it means to worship many God’s. I have decided to break Polytheistic religion into two different eras and geographical locations. With my first choice being Sumerians in Ancient Mesopotamia or also known as the Fertile Crescent in the era of 5000 – 1000 BCE and my second choice being Minoans in Crete in the era of 2100 – 1100 BCE basing my finds on the differences between these particular Polytheistic religions. Regarding my choice of Monotheistic religion I have learn that it means to worship one God. I have decided to break Monotheistic religion into two different eras and geographical location, just as I have with Polytheism. With my first choice being the Germanic Kingdom involving the Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks and Anglo-Saxons in the era of ca. 400 – 900 CE with the religion being Catholicism. With my second choice being Islamic Arabia's in Arabia in the era of 610 – 632 CE with the religion being Muslim. …show more content…
Working Thesis While choosing to worship many Gods or one God there was a big impact on how societies placed because of the different geographical location and eras of the Polytheistic and Monotheistic religions it is shown that over time religion was placed a high standard of everyday life and how it derives from regions more dramatically.
Asher-Greve, J. M. (2003). The Gaze of Goddesses: On Divinity, Gender, and Frontality in the Late Early Dynastic, Akkadian, and Neo-Sumerian Periods. NIN: Journal Of Gender Studies In Antiquity, 41-59. doi:10.1163/157077603775818585 * This source provides a detailed account of the religion and its bases. It also gives information in regards to how and why this type of Polytheistic religion was formed and highlighted in the particular era. This source also provides photographs of the Goddess and Gods that are of importance to the Sumerian Polytheistic religion. * I find that this source will lay down a strong secondary source that will back up basic information provided by my classroom text book.
Brundage, J. A., & Reid, C. J. (. E. V. I. E. W. E. R. ). (1998). [Medieval canon law]. Studia Canonica, 32(1), 258-260. Retrieved from * The information provided in this source allows me to get a more detailed account of how the Germanic Kingdoms and how Catholicism was important to the government. Also, it provides information regarding reformed Christianity-Catholicism in regards to the Canon law. Information in this source provides content on the revolutionary changes that were brought about in the church, in society, and in law. * I find this resource gives me information that is useful and detailed that brings all the information provided in classroom text book all together.
Eller, C. (2012). Two Knights and a Goddess: Sir Arthur Evans, Sir James George Frazer, and the Invention of Minoan Religion. Journal Of Mediterranean Archaeology, 25(1), 75-98. doi:10.1558/jmea1v25i1.75 * This source gives a detail account of how the Minoan Religion came to be in Crete. This source provides me with much more information on how the religion was derived and how it was important to that particular cultural area. This source give all the particular information that will need to be discussed regarding Polytheism in this era. * I find that this source gives me the detailed information I need to make a clear distinction from my other Polytheistic religion.
Mahdavi, F. (2012). World history: The human experience to 1500. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. Retrieved from * This information provided by this source allows me to gather basic information on each religion. It lays out a time line to which my chosen eras can be placed and further examined. Also in this source is provides contexts that gives the varied distinctions of the geographical locations and why the religions where heavily followed in each region. * This source provides basic information on all of my religious choices; I feel that this source gives me a strong foundation that will be represented in my final paper.