When we look at the calculated values at the ‘processed data’ table …show more content…
Also, the values are not really accurate since butan-1-ol has 7.1 x103±1000 (J/g) .Also, the bar graph was supposed to increase in the order of ethanol, propan-2-ol, and butan-1-ol. According to the …show more content…
As it is mentioned, there must have been some big mistakes during the experiment of butan-1-ol. This might have caused by a systematic error. I have experimented butan-1-ol on a different day with ethanol and propan-2-ol. Since I had more time on experimenting butan-1-ol, I measured the distance of the alcohol burner and the boiling tube to be 3cm. However, on the day when I was experimenting ethanol and propan-2-ol, I didn’t measure the distance so the distance was keep changing. This would have affected how much the water was being boiled and the final temperature of the water. And this is the reason why the values of ethanol and propan-2-ol was much higher than butan-1-ol. The distance of the boiling tube and the alcohol burner could have been much closer when I was experimenting ethanol and propan-2-ol. Position of the thermometer could have caused a systematic error too. During the experiment, we did use the ring stand to fix the thermometer on the same place. But since we needed to change the water that has been already boiled, we kept moving the thermometer. This means that the thermometer could have been in a different position every time and water temperatures can vary throughout the boiling tube. There are also lots of random errors that could have occurred during the experiment. During this lab, we were assigned to a partner