PE 100
Midterm #2 Essay Outline
Topic: "The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it” (John Stuart Mill, On Liberty).
Pick two or three of the following authors, and discuss how they challenge/complicate this classical liberal view, with reference to their political economic thought: Hegel, Marx, Tocqueville, Veblen.
• Freedom is only pursuing our own good in our own way and it does not attempt to deprive others of their freedom or impede others in their attempt for freedom o How do these authors challenge/complicate this classical liberal view with reference to their political economic …show more content…
o “embodiment of personality”
• Private property allows for the establishment of rights o Property is a social thing
• Abstract rights
• People are motivated to defend universal rights- relations of modern societies creates a whole o Organizations are irrational- view on the state
• **The classical liberal view of freedom is a product of modern society and culture o morality and ethical life reside within private property, which Hegel o property is the path to freedom o freedom is in the control of ourselves
♣ the control of nature
• A person can only become realized through another, and the achievement of private property is a way of asserting dominance and showing others that you have made it to the means of freedom. All ideas are not significant until recognized by the world. The world must recognize that you have property?? o We do not have self consciousness until other people recognize our self consciousness
• Appropriation o A person can take anything and assert their will on it to make it theirs
♣ With the intent of improving their property
• …show more content…
• Communism provides true freedom
• MCM vs CMC
• Private property o Owning the means of production o Surplus value o Exploitation o It oppresses the poor and communism is good because it gets rid of that o “In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.
Main Point: While Marx challenges the liberal view of freedom through economic relations and the concept of exploitation, Hegel provides a unique perspective that involves the control of ourselves, of nature, and of