Freedom- noun
The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
On July 4, 1776, John Hancock touched the tip of a feathered pen to a historic piece of parchment, followed by 55 other men in our country's history. Right then they were signing the document that could help their new country thrive or could be it’s demise. However, they were signing the document that could very well be their death wish. They were signing the Declaration of Independence. As Patrick Henry once said “Give me liberty or give me death." That’s exactly what these 56 men had in mind on this fateful summer day in 1776. Years later, thousands of men and still give up their lives to defend the privileges we hold as American citizens. Can you imagine a world without freedom of religion? Without freedom of education? Without freedom to speak our thoughts and to take action. 148 years ago slaves still worked day and night on farms and plantations. Only 45 years ago women were finally given equal rights. We were allowed to vote and have a say in government. For this, I can thank all of my ancestors who worked relentlessly so that …show more content…
He worked as an Air Force pilot and helps get injured soldiers to safety and two hospitals. Everyday, he bravely risked his very life every day to guard the rights of the 323.1 million citizens of the United States of America. Every day when I put my hand over my heart, I think of him and all of the other relatives of the men and women serving our beloved country today. In the war he was taught that being part of our country is a commitment. Fighting for it though is even harder. No matter what, you have to stay true to that promise that you made to live in this country. You must stick with it through all of it’s strengths and weaknesses. America is a bar of gold. Valuable and