Maus a graphic novel written by Art Spiegleman depicts a scene of a hanging on page 85 with 4 mice hanging in a panel and a German soldier on the bottom, the four Jews were hanged for getting caught dealing in the black-market without a coupon to do so. The Nazi then made an example of them by having them hanged for a full week. The hanging scene is and powerful, it is simple and portrays a hanging of 4 mice, people whom Vladek the main character knows, As this is being read, the combination of the humanistic appearance with the symbolism actually enrages one, It was upsetting as how senseless the German actions were. Perhaps the best example of the masking effect occurs in the final three frames on page 83. The middle frame is a hanging scene, depicting four mice hanging from nooses. While this in itself is disturbing, the subsequent frames humanize this even more. We see nothing but four pairs of legs dangling, as everything above the knee is cut off by the gutter. These legs are very
Maus a graphic novel written by Art Spiegleman depicts a scene of a hanging on page 85 with 4 mice hanging in a panel and a German soldier on the bottom, the four Jews were hanged for getting caught dealing in the black-market without a coupon to do so. The Nazi then made an example of them by having them hanged for a full week. The hanging scene is and powerful, it is simple and portrays a hanging of 4 mice, people whom Vladek the main character knows, As this is being read, the combination of the humanistic appearance with the symbolism actually enrages one, It was upsetting as how senseless the German actions were. Perhaps the best example of the masking effect occurs in the final three frames on page 83. The middle frame is a hanging scene, depicting four mice hanging from nooses. While this in itself is disturbing, the subsequent frames humanize this even more. We see nothing but four pairs of legs dangling, as everything above the knee is cut off by the gutter. These legs are very