Plays were really famous back then; one of the plays named Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet are two young adults who see in a party planned by Juliet’s father. They became secretly in love behind their families back, but they ended sadly for each other’s loyal love.
In the play, Lord Capulet wanted a masquerade party. He sent invitations to specific people on the list. Lord Capulet gave a list and invitation to the servant to give out. Even though, the servant didn't know how to read, he asked one of the four men in a little room to read it, that man was Romeo. The servant asked Romeo to read it to him. Mercutio tried to convince him to go to the party to look for her. But, while …show more content…
looking for rosaline he saw a girl which he had not known was a Capulet. Then, Tybalt recognizes Romeo and warns, Lord Capulet tells Tybalt to ignore the fight after that Romeo and Juliet find each other talking and kiss. Juliet gets called by her nurse and Romeo finds out she’s a Capulet after she leaves.
In the movie , Lord capulet wanted and does throw a costume party.Mercutio heard the capulets party and decides to crash it He tried to convince Romeo but Romeo didn’t want to Be cause he was hungover by Rosaline. Mercutio tells Romeo that he will find more beauty in the party and give Romeo a little drug that was very strong. So he goes to the party.Tybalt recognizes Romeo and warns Lord Capulet and Lord C. told Tybalt to ignore the enemy. After a while, he goes to relax and feels ok. He sees a girl on the other side. She dances with Paris and then change partners and dance and talk. Romeo pulls her into the elevator and talk more and kiss, she goes because of her nurses call , he pulls her in again and they kiss again.
The characters in the movie were the same characters in the play. The characters in the movie and play have the same characters . They have the same feeling. The character have the same personality like Mercutio. Mercutio has the same feeling, personality and role. He says the same meaning of word as in the play.
The conflict between the movie and the play that have in common is the Person Vs. Society. This conflict in the play and the movie includes society because of the feud between the capulet and The Montague is terrorizing the relationship between Romeo and juliet and all the people around them. Juliet had to suffer seeing Romeo that had extract the drug. She had commit suicide but she had not thought to think of her own family.
The difference is that one character in the movie that didn’t have the same attitude was Mercutio.
But some other characters didn’t have the same attitude .Mercutio in the movie is not the same in the play. He is always high and a little immature.Mercutio is mature because he wasn’t high in the play.
The difference between the play and the movie is the Person Vs. Society because it’s only involving The capulets, the Montagues and the people around them. When Juliet saw Romeo Dead, she commited suicide.She had not thought of what could possibly could go wrong. Instead ,this problem had caused a sentimental shock to society and both families to be heartbroken. But had stopped the feuding.
The Romeo and Juliet Play is about two star-crossed lovers who happen to be from two families, from the 16th century, feuding for a reason they do not know. In this play and Movie its says that they both take their live describing their loyal love. Suicide isn’t the meaning love, suicide is a wrong decision made by a person thinking they aren’t meant for the world. Suicide isn’t an answer of love as written in a