the fashionable and newly vacated apartments. The oppressive nature of the force involved only serves to accent the alienation, as does the parallel of Schindler moving in when the family is moving out, to cries of "Goodbye Jews". Each film in this holocaust trilogy has scenes where the alienation is seen on a macro-scale, however, each film also presents alienation on a more personal micro-level as well. The alienation between Schindler and his estranged wife, the alienation between the family unit of Guido, Dora, and Joshua in Life is Beautiful, and the alienation of Szpilman from his family, friends and peers in The Pianist. Each film is successful in depicting the alienation involved in the holocaust. Indeed, that sense of alienation, the organization of oppression against such a large number of a particular people, is the driving force behind these holocaust movies. It is through examining the depravity of the alienation of the holocaust, in how absolutely despicable and detestable it was, that the filmmakers communicate the heartbreaking emotional impact of the historical event.
the fashionable and newly vacated apartments. The oppressive nature of the force involved only serves to accent the alienation, as does the parallel of Schindler moving in when the family is moving out, to cries of "Goodbye Jews". Each film in this holocaust trilogy has scenes where the alienation is seen on a macro-scale, however, each film also presents alienation on a more personal micro-level as well. The alienation between Schindler and his estranged wife, the alienation between the family unit of Guido, Dora, and Joshua in Life is Beautiful, and the alienation of Szpilman from his family, friends and peers in The Pianist. Each film is successful in depicting the alienation involved in the holocaust. Indeed, that sense of alienation, the organization of oppression against such a large number of a particular people, is the driving force behind these holocaust movies. It is through examining the depravity of the alienation of the holocaust, in how absolutely despicable and detestable it was, that the filmmakers communicate the heartbreaking emotional impact of the historical event.