First, the lorax is a fictional movie and book created by Dr. Seuss. It’s a story about a man that sees an opportunity to make money by cutting down trees and making thneeds. A substance that can only be made by cutting down trees but what the onceler doesn’t know is that he is damaging the ecosystem by cutting down the trees. The lorax tries to explain that to the onceler but he doesn’t seem to care about the ecosystem. So slowly the bears fish and birds relocate because the …show more content…
It had birds and used to support crops. It was filled with trees all over the island. The people of Easter Island were living a good life until they cut off all the trees. Why because they had to cut them down to support the massive and famous stone hedges. Slowly all the birds left and the crops were unable to grow and they also opened them self-up for floods.
Lastly, what do these have in common. Believe it or not the lorax and Easter Island have a lot in common. Firstly there ecosystems were both destroyed by the cutting of the trees. The animas both left there environment because of the poor condition of the ecosystem because the lack of trees. So the lorax and Easter Island do have a lot in common after all. In conclusion, the lorax and Easter Island have a lot in common they both were destroyed by people who cut down trees. In the lorax it was the onceler and in Easter Island it was their own people who did it. In the lorax it was for personal gain and in Easter Island it was to make way for the stone hedges. So both of them cut down the trees and destroyed there