In the case of All Summer in a Day, the protagonist Margot has been described as a fragile, pale looking outcast victim. This is a result of bullying, the characters within the text have excluded Margot as she predicted that the sun would come out. As a result, Margot's classmates refuses to believe her insanely, outrageous statement. They continue to exclude her as she was different from the others. This is called 'mob mentality', which translate to a sudden change out of the ordinary, without any explanation. A spitting image of this is the film 'The Hunger Games.' The main protagonist Katniss Everdeen has similarly fell to mob mentality. This is seen when she defies President Snow by threatening to suicide during the final scenes of the Hunger Games. This resulted to angering President Snow. Due to her actions, President Snow and the capitol forces her to compete in another Hunger Games. Katniss feels betrayed as she was promised a brighter future. Although they are both a form of 'mob mentality,' they each take a different path in conveying and criticising the world we live in. Each day throughout our society, the act of mob mentality is present. People are bullied because they are different from everyone else and will continue to occur as people of our society are unwilling to accept, where they hate the idea of change. Mob mentality further reinforces the fact that both fictional worlds have criticised the world we live
In the case of All Summer in a Day, the protagonist Margot has been described as a fragile, pale looking outcast victim. This is a result of bullying, the characters within the text have excluded Margot as she predicted that the sun would come out. As a result, Margot's classmates refuses to believe her insanely, outrageous statement. They continue to exclude her as she was different from the others. This is called 'mob mentality', which translate to a sudden change out of the ordinary, without any explanation. A spitting image of this is the film 'The Hunger Games.' The main protagonist Katniss Everdeen has similarly fell to mob mentality. This is seen when she defies President Snow by threatening to suicide during the final scenes of the Hunger Games. This resulted to angering President Snow. Due to her actions, President Snow and the capitol forces her to compete in another Hunger Games. Katniss feels betrayed as she was promised a brighter future. Although they are both a form of 'mob mentality,' they each take a different path in conveying and criticising the world we live in. Each day throughout our society, the act of mob mentality is present. People are bullied because they are different from everyone else and will continue to occur as people of our society are unwilling to accept, where they hate the idea of change. Mob mentality further reinforces the fact that both fictional worlds have criticised the world we live