From research phonemic awareness has barely receive attention on how it should be taught but phonics has been around for years. Some elementary teachers only focus on phonics, but worry they are teaching it as a chore. Teaching must be different to meet all students need and what find what works for each student. When it is taught, it can help students
with reading, writing and spelling.
In my early years during elementary days at Kayenta, all we did was focus on spelling words. We just broke down words and focus on the vocabulary words. I believe the teachers did not assume phonemic awareness they were unaware it could help us read. The teachers just neglect the subject and really made reading into a chore not making it fun or culturally relevant.
From middle school to high school they would focus us to read, by group or individual. They had try to make us students comprehend the story assuming we already knew. My elementary teachers should have done more explicit teaching and not making the instruction a chore. There have been 50 studies on phonemic awareness, on which method is the best to learn and what it can provide. From studies it may not cause children to read or help become better readers; but it is critical to learn. It is effective in helping children learn to read. It helps with spelling and it shows high success. The teacher must do the research to teach the lesson with hands activities or manipulation. From viewing Tsaile public school there were only 5 students that were learning the big five. I wonder if the rest of the students knew or it was a subject they needed help with? The school was just teaching to the test which the instruction is more of chores to the students. There is no pleasure in learning how to read and write.