Classical theories have come a long way since the 1700’s and has promoted grounded insight on why people behave the way that they do as well as promoted further need for research in regards to crime prevention and enforcement. The deterrence theory is an enhancement theory that stems from the ground work of the classical theory in that it asserts the same beliefs of the classical theory, which is that people commit crime as a means to increase pleasure and reduce pain willingly. It also asserts that the prevention or deterrence of crime can be obtained by enforcing punishment swiftly and severely accordingly to the crime committed (Cullen, Francis, Robert Agnew, and Pamela Wilcox., 2014). Since conducted studies have noted data implying that there are no significant curtails in crime between severe …show more content…
Biological theories assert and have proven via research studies how the brain controls normal and abnormal behavior in that structural abnormalities and functional deficits such as genetic defects, drugs, traumatic experiences and head injuries, hormonal imbalances, major infections, environmental toxins, and other biological factors can influence a individuals behavior and perception (Schug, R., A., & Fradella, H., F., 2015). If an individual suffers from any structural abnormalities and functional deficits, their ability to think and act rationally is