The American Dream in my opinion means: safety, reunion with my family, and economical growth . Immigrants and the “American Dream” is different for every person. To some means financial succes, to others it means freedom of expression, while others dream to practice their religion without fears. American dream is different from person to person, but everybody has the hope of better life. The ‘American Dream’ means to achieve success and prosperity through hard work to touch the goals, to touch the dream. The ‘American Dream’’ is a reality. All the time for every immigrant to start in this country a new life means many changes. At beggining they need to find a job, to rent a place where they can live and to buy a car to can move around from house to their job. They need to learn to speak english as a second language, but this isn’t easy to do in short time. For some people it is easy and don’t take too much time because they are learning so fast, some of them have skills for linguistic, some of them don’t have. To learn second language it is a long proccess and take time. Every immigrant come from different parts of world with other habits, traditions, culture and language. …show more content…
To leave in USA means safety, to live better, to have a new life and to can practice your religion without fears, freedom of speach, freedom of expression.
A lot of police cars surrounding my city to prevent the accidents, crime, and a lot of other bad things which can happen around of us. Zoica
The second opinion about “American Dream”, which means reunion with my family, for me and my family was a big reunion when we met with our family after 16 years. The kids, cousins, and my siblings were very happy to see each other. At beggining it was very hard for me to can adjust in this country, but not for children . For children the language wasn’t a barrier in communication with their collegues and teachers in school because they studied in our country “english language as second language’’ from 2nd grade. The idea to live with rent in USA was something new for us, to spend almost the all day at work, and to see with our family after 10 pm. They worked so hard to touch their goals, to achieve their success in life and school. After school they got a part time job, 2 or 3 hours every day, and they learned how to save money. That was a good motivation for them to achieve a diploma, and take a god job. As a single mom in this country, two jobs, without speak english it was very hard. Our family can’t help us because they had their own bills, families, and problems. A big difference between USA and our native country was the school. Here, the students need to borrow the money to can study in university, and in our country the education is free. The government encourage the students to study. Of course we have there private schools, private universities, and private education. The third opinion about “American Dream” is economical growth, which means to can save money, to improve your life in better, to can change the job with other one paid better, and with beneffits. Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be Thankful for the hard time, they can only make you stronger!