Step 5: Comparison Paragraph Final Draft
Over the years, many colleges have offered residential and online degree programs. Some say that online courses are more demanding and students must be self-effeienct to pass campared to a resdidnetal students. An online student must have good compration skills in order to understand assignments with minmal directions from their professors. Online students needs to be motived in order to complete assignement on time with know one telling them to do so. In order for an online student to be successful they must be organized, determine, and willing to put in the extra effort to stay on top of the work compared to residential students. Residnetal students have the abilbity to engage with there professors face to face when they don’t understand the content and this gives them the ability to have a better understanding of the content. Being a residential student you have the alibilty work with other and have study partners. They have the motivation to succeed by having positive reinforcement from friends,peers, and professors. Online and residential courses have there advantages and disavntages but in order to be a successful online student you must have dedication and must be willing to work the extra mile to successful complete an online course. Therefore online students have to be more self-effeincet compared to residnetal students because online students must be motivted and dedicated to complete all required assgiments with minaml engament from others compared to residential students.
Honor Statement
Read and sign this honor statement prior to submitting your assignment:
By typing my name in the space provided, I certify that all words and ideas in my writing assignment are mine alone, and if I used another person’s words or ideas (by summarizing, paraphrasing, or directly quoting), I gave credit to that author, and I also put quotation marks around