The United States Constitution and The Declaration of Independence are two of America 's most famous documents that laid the foundation for it 's independence as a nation and separation from British rule. The following paper will compare these two documents and decipher the difference of the two.
While both Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution contain important information regarding America 's independence they are also different in many respects. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of is Independence one of the nation 's most cherished symbols of liberty and Thomas Jefferson 's most enduring monument. "Each colony sent delegates to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1774 to form the First Continental Congress. Although the colonies were not prepared to declare war on Britain, they were very unhappy under British rule. They began to debate whether it was possible to gain independence from Britain without going to war and, if so, how they would go about it. Unfortunately, King George III learned of the civil unrest in the colonies and sent additional troops to protect his property and quell rebellions. Since England was not willing to negotiate, war was inevitable" (History of Independence Day)
In exalted, unforgiving and unforgettable phrases, the Declaration of Independence expresses the convictions under the British rule in the minds and hearts of the American people. The Declaration of Independence is a powerful document that contains signatures from representatives from the 13 colonies. It also contains verbiage that accuses the then present King of Great Britain [George III] of disregarding laws, abusing his power as king and having a blatant disregard for the best interest of the people living in the colonies. The Declaration of Independence refers to the then current state of conditions under British rule of then King George III as being one of oppression.
The United States Constitution was formed several years