Main uddin
ID 51
Department of International Business
The buyers of readymade garments (RMG) products from Bangladesh have been more and more insisting on the observation of various standards in the RMG industries. In fact, these have become like non tariff barriers in the way of export of RMG products. Law makers, environmental and different civic groups in the importing countries have been making demands on their own businesses to ensure compliance with these standards and the businesses find it hard in many instances to ignore them. However, some of the buyers are noted to be making their exclusive demand on RMG exporters from Bangladesh under the guise of meeting standards.
It is also a fact that RMG producers from Bangladesh have been rather late in waking up to these issues on which depend the sustainability of their export activities . But awareness is not generally absent in respect of them and there are many RMG units which have taken comprehensive measures recognizing that this is indispensable for the secure growth of their exporting activities. The owners of the RMG industries should appreciate the fact that any improvements carried out in the areas of monetary and other benefits of workers, plus their working conditions, would only hedge them against the breakout of the kind of troubles that seemed about to deal fatal blows to the RMG sector several times since 2006. In fact, worse troubles are apprehended from workers after the recent Tazreen fire incident and the Rana Plaza collapse that led to the death of over a thousand workers.
In recent years, labor and environmental laws have increasingly been adapted to meet international standards. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs are still failing to adequately implement the national laws or international standards. Managers are still largely unaware that adherence to social and environmental standards will