In addition, compositing can be divided into two separate processes, one is fixing and the one will be layering. The fixing work is done by rotoscope and also paint artist. Rotoscoping can be called as painting which is the process of altering footage frame by frame. It is usually to create mattes or to fix problems. Roto artists will paint out the wire rigs, keying greenscreens or creating mattes that how layers interact with each other (Wright, 2008). …show more content…
The compositors will assemble those pieces by matching colour and light levels to assure every motion tracking works perfectly.
Then, they will layer in CG render passes, matte painting and additional elements if necessary will add in to complete the shot. Multiples of layering need to be controlled and organized nicely by the compositors so the files can be tweak in different parts independently. After that, it goes on to final colour grading to match everything in one (Wright, 2008) This pipeline involves the matte painters on the lit scence and pojecting paintings back to the 3D environments. This allows the matte artists have more ability to paint the scene for compositing. In another task, matte painters are incharge of lighting and rendering to create painting projections (Fry,