Effectiveness of
Comprehensive Sex Education Programs vs.
Abstinence-Only Programs
By A. Marie Butler
February 2011
University of Phoenix, Axia College
University Composition and communication II
Sex education is an important tool to students and youth today so they can make crucial life decisions. Educational Institutions should implement special programs to support knowledge regarding safe sex practices along with abstinence effectiveness. Comprehensive Sexual Education, (CSE) programs includes both policies of safe sex along with abstinence, whereas Abstinence-only programs do not provide knowledge to students regarding proper contraceptive use. Surveys on CSE have proven a decline in adolescent sexual activity whereas abstinence-only surveys have shown no increase or decrease in youth sexual behavior. Most children go through puberty between the ages of 9 and 13 and students younger than 13 have been known to be sexually active. Most parents do not have the knowledge alone to be effective in teaching children the proper behaviors and practices to keep them safe. Working together with professional educators and structured programs students will be armed with the knowledge to make effective decisions for their lives.
Comprehensive Sex Education Programs vs. Abstinence-Only Programs How do young people today obtain knowledge regarding the practice of safe sex? In the United States today, sex education in the most public and private schools consist of abstinence-only programs. The Abstinence-only types of programs leave young people uneducated on the practices of safe sex and can put them in danger of contracting STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases), including HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus), as well as unplanned pregnancies. In 2004 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported 4,883 young people, ranging in ages 13-24 had contracted HIV (CDC,
References: Braeken, D., Shand, T., and De Silva, U. (Updated 2010, January). Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). Retrieved February 23, 2011 from http://www.ippf.org/NR/rdonlyres/CE7711F7-C0F0-4AF5-A2D5-E1876C24928/0/Sexuality.pdf Center for Disease Control. (Revised 2008). HIV/AIDS Fact Sheet, ¶1, 2 and 3. Retrieved February 20, 2011, from http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/resources/factsheets/PDF/youth.pdf Collins, C., Alagiri, P., Summers, T., and Morin, S., (2002, March) Kirby, D. (2007, p. 1). Abstinence, sex and STD/HIV Education Programs for teens: Their Impact on Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.